The Birthplace of a Starship Captain

Riverside, Iowa, a charming town nestled along the Iowa River, has an extraordinary claim to fame: it is the future birthplace of Captain James T. Kirk. Here’s how this cosmic connection came to be:

  1. The Proposal:

    • In 1985, Steve Miller, a Riverside councilman and devoted Trekkie, proposed an audacious idea during a council meeting. He had read Gene Roddenberry’s book, “The Making of Star Trek” (1968), which hinted that Kirk was born in a small town in Iowa.
    • Inspired by this tidbit, Miller suggested that Riverside declare itself the Future Birthplace of James T. Kirk. The motion passed unanimously, forever linking the town to the Starship Enterprise.
  2. Changing the Slogan:

    • Riverside swiftly altered its town slogan from “Where the best begins” to the more cosmic “Where the Trek begins.”
    • The annual summer festival, once known as River Fest, transformed into Trek Fest, celebrating all things Star Trek.
  3. Marking the Spot:

    • Miller playfully jabbed a stick into the ground behind the town barber shop (which he owned) and declared it the future birth spot.
    • An engraved monument was eventually placed on this spot, inviting present and future fans to contemplate Kirk’s origins.
  4. Official Canon:

    • In May 2009, Riverside’s claim became official Star Trek canon when the town was identified as Kirk’s hometown in the Star Trek reboot movie.
    • The entire town was even invited to a secret preview screening of the film, a day before its official release.
  5. Birthdate Quirkiness:

    • Fans sometimes wonder why the monument lists Kirk’s birthdate as March 22, 2228, while the accepted date is usually March 22, 2233.
    • The discrepancy arises from the fact that the 2233 date wasn’t widely promoted until 1993, with the publication of “The Star Trek Chronology: The History of the Future.”
    • Regardless, both agree that March 22 is the day – which also happens to be William Shatner’s real birthday.

Visiting Riverside

If you’re a fellow Trekkie or simply curious, consider visiting Riverside, Iowa. Here are some must-see spots:

  • Future Birthplace Monument: Located next to city hall, this monument commemorates Kirk’s future birthplace. It’s a pilgrimage site for Star Trek enthusiasts.
  • Star Trek Voyage Home Museum: Explore Riverside’s Star Trek legacy at this museum, which opened in 20081.
  • Captain Kirk Conceived Here: Another quirky marker near the birthplace spot2.

So, the next time you find yourself in Riverside, remember that you’re standing on the cosmic doorstep of Captain James T. Kirk – the man who would boldly go where no one has gone before! 
